Tuesday, November 29, 2011


My dear friend Liz rescued a lost dog who burrowed into her fenced backyard nearly two weeks ago.  She was accustomed to hearing her neighbor's large dogs, but a different bark attracted her attention.  A small, polite dog was most appreciative that Liz recognized his presence.  She welcomed him into her home and found no identification.  Though she's not a pet owner, she promptly made provisions for her new friend.  She quickly posted fliers for all neighbors to see.  As she continued to nurture this waif without response, I told her that she should name this most fortunate stranger Lucky.

Liz nurtured this lucky dog while trying to find his family.  After the first several days, she tried many times to place him in a rescue facility. Thankfully for Lucky, but unfortunately for our community's many abandoned animals, there were no available shelters.

After nearly two weeks, Liz received the anticipated call to claim the dog.  Fortunately for the owner, none of the many facilities Liz contacted during the past two weeks could accept another dog.  This lucky dog was one "yes we can take him" away from being removed from Liz's loving home and potentially permanently separated from his family.

I was thrilled when Liz told me this morning that this lucky dog and his family would be reunited.  I was blown away when she confirmed that his name is Lucky.

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