Monday, May 24, 2010

Connected and Committed Leader

At a recent Girls Inc. luncheon I had the good fortune to visit with a gracious speaker, author, consultant and former corporate executive, Laura Lopez.  I've just finished her book, The Connected and Committed Leader - Lessons from Home. Results at Work.  Adopting a child changed her leadership focus and effectiveness.   She reminds us that respect leads to trust; effective leadership permeates our lives; and leadership is relationship based - individual to individual, horizontal, vertical and 360 degrees.

Laura's seven essential leadership insights are:
  1. Believe and Let Go
  2. Be Curious and See Everyone
  3. Be Receptive and Yield
  4. Be Real and Serve
  5. Be Humble and Keep Your Ego in Check
  6. Be Consistent and Clear
  7. Be Vulnerable and Give of Yourself
One of Laura's great admonitions is, "When we impose our reality or our will onto others, there isn't enough room for their own. So we rob them of their potential and they can't ever perform to their fullest capability."

I appreciate Laura's insights and believe that when we bring our whole best selves to any endeavor, results improve exponentially.


  1. This is wonderful advice for Authentic Leadership! Unfortunately not something that is often seen, but I'm hopeful that as more people feel comfortable speaking these truths we'll see it in action around us. I am grateful that she put forward to be vulnerable as a leader! Thank you for sharing this, Pam.

  2. Jill,
    It's always great to get your terrific perspectives!
