Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Seeing Clearly Again!

My sight has always been so precious to me, especially since my uncorrected vision is so very poor.  Until last year, I was so fortunate to be able to see very well with contacts.  But, 2014 became known, among other things, as the year of reading glasses within reach.  Having worn contacts since seventh grade, and then rarely donning glasses since my first contact lens fitting, I was unprepared for life interrupted by the search for magnification.  Julia and Gar laughingly asked if there were reading glasses in every room.  And the answer was a resounding YES! 

At my annual eye exam I expressed my extreme frustration.  When Dr. L assessed my situation, he produced another life-changing solution, multifocal contacts. 

I didn't realize how much I'd actually visually missed during the last year until I once again had full range of vision without readers. 

Regardless of the nature of our correctable issue, we owe it to ourselves to seek options that work, something that I once again see clearly.

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