Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Connecting Everything Unexpectedly

On Monday, one of my colleagues provided restaurant gift cards to be used for community affairs, business development and volunteer involvement.  Minutes after receiving the gift cards, I received a message encouraging door prizes from a supported organization. I offered gift cards for this organization to our dedicated bank representative via email with a copy to a colleague who would fulfill the request. 

Unbeknown to me, the dedicated bank representative was having difficulties understanding a new role in the merged organization. My colleague who would fulfill the request thought that my outreach was because I knew that another colleague was struggling. The unexpected opportunity to provide gift cards to deserving organizations also provided an unexpected chance to advise and encourage a valuable colleague during a substantive coaching conversation.

Some believe that there are no coincidences.  My way to categorize this reality is by sharing some of the many ways that everything's connected.

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