Thursday, June 23, 2011

Divine Timing

This is the fifth year that Sterling Bank has been recognizing our 50+ hour community volunteers with the chance to designate a $500 grant in their honor to a non-profit organization.  One of our volunteers submitted a grant application for an ineligible organization two weeks ago.  Last week she resubmitted for an eligible organization, with a request to make the award in memory of her son.  I approved the request last Friday, but a printer issue prevented the notification letters to the recipient organization and the honored banker from being submitted until Monday.  The honored banker received her interoffice notification Tuesday, on the second anniversary of her son's death. 

Every day is difficult when grieving.  Significant calendar dates are often more difficult than others.  I was stunned that our timing delays caused notification to arrive on a date that was particularly meaningful to this special banker.

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