Friday, September 7, 2012

Getting What We Want

When we have experienced seemingly unnecessary delays or inadequate responses caused by strangers, it is important to realize that the customer service individual is often doing the best that she/he can.

Our anger/frustration/impatience is sometimes directed at those least able to provide the solution/answer/outcome that we desire.

Often, "thank you or okay or I see" delivered with a smile, even through clenched teeth, is the best response.   Then, we aren't further burdened by guilt for our outbursts.

However, if the issue is important enough, we need to address it with someone other than the person on the front line.

Whenever we are angry or dissatisfied, it is prudent to pause to determine the action or response we are actually seeking to make things better.  Then, we need to consciously act or react appropriately to achieve our desired outcome.

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