Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Life's a Sales Call

Jack Warkenthien, the dynamic founding CEO of NextStep Solutions, radio personality and author of Life's a Sales Call: How to Succeed in the World's Oldest Profession energized our San Antonio Sterling Bank Women's Business Initiative Luncheon in San Antonio last week.

He shared his five part code for success:
  1. A sale is a relationship, not a transaction.
  2. People don't care how much you know, until they know how much you care.
  3. The depth of your convictions is more important than the length of your knowledge.
  4. Have fun and a sense of humor.
  5. Stand out and be memorable.
He used fictional AM and FM radio stations to emphasize the importance of the other person in our relationships:
  • MMFG-AM - Make Me Feel Good About Myself
  • WIF - FM - What's In It For Me?
Though we all like to know the answers, he reminded us that when we don't have a ready answer, it gives us a reason to call back with the requested information.

Jack vividly portrayed the importance of action in stating that vision without a plan is a hallucination, and reminded us that a decision is not an action. Though others can inspire us, we motivate ourselves as captured in his definition of motivation - motive for action.

If you'd like a copy of Jack's handout, leave your contact information in comments or email me at

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