Friday, January 29, 2010


We are fortunate to have curbside recycling in our neighborhood.  It amazes and distresses me how much we offer for recycling every two weeks.  But it pleases me to know that our junk mail, plastic containers, newspapers, shredding and aluminum cans are being recycled.   We've almost eliminated plastic water bottles, with our use of filtered water and reusable water bottles.

Because I work for Sterling Bank, our sensitive information must be destroyed.  However, I receive much more non-sensitive information at the office that can be recycled.  I keep a separate box in my office that I fill and take to a non-profit recycling center adjacent to our office.

We take clothes, shoes and household items that we no longer need to Goodwill or Dress for Success.  And toiletries are always welcome at the Way Station at Palmer Memorial Episcopal Church.  The Houston Food Bank distributes our contributed food and highly leverages monetary donations.

One of my mottoes has long been, "Out of my life and into yours."  When we share our un-needed blessings with others, we all reap the benefit.

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