Sunday, January 31, 2010

Who's Your Cheerleader?

Yes, I was an exuberant high school cheerleader.  I didn't realize, until now, that these skills would serve me well through my life and career.  It is often unexpected, but always appreciated, when we privately or (when possible) publicly acknowledge the successes - major and minor - that our friends, colleagues and acquaintances enjoy.  Occasional cheerleaders are icing on the cake.  Consistent cheerleaders - those friends and family members who always send an email, call, leave a message, write a note, or stop by to celebrate our successes and encourage us when we're struggling, are AWESOME!

My consistent cheerleader has always been Mama.  Though 99% of the time she's my acknowledger and encourager, she also keeps me grounded.  When I need to hear opportunities for improvement, she lovingly delivers them.  And I accept them with her loving intent.

We all need someone like my precious Mama in our lives. 

Earn, find, cultivate or recover a cheerleader in your life.


  1. I smiled when I read this, Pam, as I as a cheerleader in high school, too. I still have my megaphone in the closet and it always reminds me how important it is to be encouraging and positive to everyone in our lives. If you are familiar with the idea of archetypes I would say there are those that are certainly "cheerleaders"! Cheers to you!
