Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Within 24 hours, I had three distinct reminders that everything is inextricably connected. 
  1. One of my colleages was visiting my office and mentioned that she'd seen a colleague at a recent event. Just then, my phone rang, and the colleague she'd named was calling.  Sterling Bank has 1000 employees, so the odds and timing of this call were especially surprising.
  2. A colleague and I were concluding a meeting in my office as another colleague dropped by to deliver my mail.  The letter on top of the stack was from the non-profit organization, that the colleague with whom I'd initially been visiting, had chosen to designate her Employee Directed Grant. Think for a moment, about all the ways in which this stack of mail might have been delivered.
  3. I arrived at a lunch meeting to discover that I  also knew everyone at the adjacent table, and had a niece dining at a nearby table.  
Mere coincidences or more proof that "Everything's Connected"?

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