Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Waiting to Exhale

A couple dear to me has been fighting his cancer through 6 months of grueling treatment.  They just received the most wonderful news that he is cancer free!  HURRAH!

As we were electronically discussing the great news, she indicated that she felt like she was finally able to exhale, and hadn't realized that she had been holding her breath for the past six months.

My response was, "I think waiting to exhale is like learning what it’s like to get enough sleep after years of sleep deprivation. Fortunately, when you’re in the midst of the experience, you don’t realize what’s happening. You’re just doing what you know you need to do to advance every day."

I'm so impressed with the way that my friends dealt with this most challenging situation and am motivated by their attitudes, courage and faith.

And, I hope that we'll all realize that each time we're waiting to exhale (or get some much needed sleep) we're doing what we need to do to support the people and causes we hold dear.

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