Thursday, September 3, 2009

Hurt Feelings

We're all human. Sometimes we unintentionally hurt the feelings of someone we care about. And there are times when we're just angry and retaliate when we feel slighted. It's easiest to stalk off, leave or disappear. And of course, an easy response is to blame, yell or become mute.

The best response is a pause.

When we get too caught up in our emotions and reactions, we often respond inappropriately.

Bite marks on my tongue are badges of relationships improved, enhanced or salvaged. I've discovered that being silently right is often more universally satisfactory than the damage control required to amend for vocal positioning.

None of us consciously try to hurt those we care about. Life just happens. The more often I remember this and pause rather than react, the happier those I care most about and I are.


  1. Your post called 'Hurt Feelings' is amazing and beautiful. It reads like a small genre of writing style call 'prose poetry'.

    Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts!

    Mark Goldberg

  2. Mark,
    Thanks so much for taking time to read my blog and provide lovely feedback! I'm so interested in your accounts of life in Iraq. Each post is educational and alarming. Take good care of yourself!
    All the best,
