Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Learning from our Children

Children have an incredible power to inspire.  Seeing things through their eyes is refreshing and amazing.  They remind us that possibilities are unlimited, growth occurs daily, hugs solve problems and life is full of humor.

Children come out of the womb with the unspoken, but very accurate news flash, that "I'm not my sibling, so you better be prepared to treat me differently".  If only we could always remember that we are all unique with our own gifts, abilities and perspectives.


  1. this is so true Pam - I love being with my granddaughter, Brooke - she reminds me that there are unlimited possibilites and that simple things matter. As I await the birth of my 2nd granddaughter, I look forward to a new life and that wonderment - as I learn - I'll also share..

  2. Linda,
    Thank you so much for taking time to read my blog entries and comment! How awesome that you are about to double the fun and love in your family!
