Friday, October 9, 2009


We hear and read constantly about life-work balance. This elusive concept reminds me of a see-saw at the playground. Generally in attempting to balance, one party is up and the other is down. That's what many attempts at life-work balance feel like - rarely are all elements in balance - mostly one is soaring and the other isn't.

I think life-work juggling is a better description of effective harmony. An experienced juggler can keep many balls in the air by touching each one in rotation. Only when the rotation is interrupted does a ball hit the ground.

Juggling works best for me when I realize that my roles and responsibilities are integrated rather than neatly siloed. Making some time each day to address each of my roles works far better than focusing exclusively on one area and resolving to make up in another area after the big project, family event or volunteer responsibility is over. Reality proves that each area won't receive equal focus each day, but touching all the balls keeps them all in rotation.

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