Sunday, October 4, 2009


Nothing changes my outlook like remembering that I always have options. So often stress results from feeling trapped. Many people are trapped in relationships that aren't fulfilling, jobs that aren't inspiring and expectations that are too demanding.

When we feel that we can't quit a boring, dead-end or mis-matched job, change or leave a toxic relationship or find a new, invigorating opportunity, we feel trapped.

Thankfully, I have a fabulous family, omnipotent God, terrific job, delightful friendships, rewarding community involvements and have been blessed to be born in the U.S.A.

I'm grateful for my countless options and hope that you will discover the abundant options available to you.

When I'm feeling overwhelmed, I try to remember that my situation is temporary, non-life-threatening and controllable. I try to count my blessings including success, creativity, ability to multi-task, experience and communication skills.

Silo thinking leads to extreme stress and inability to draw upon related skills to address the current situation.

May we always open our minds and hearts to the numerous options available to us.

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