Friday, February 25, 2011

Creating Personal Power

Jacqueline Cornaby was our motivating Sterling Bank Women's Business Initiative speaker in Dallas this week.  It's easy to understand why many of Jacqueline's coaching clients have relied on her for years.  She is able to direct our thinking to allow us to understand why we want what we want.  She emphasized that we get what we think about and focus on, whether it is positive or negative. 

Jacqueline's tools for creating personal power include:
  • internal rather than external motivation
  • choice of words - eliminating "try, supposed to, should, must, have to"; and using "intend to, will, get to, yes I can"
  • recognizing and addressing our sophisticated excuses
  • employing an abundant, thankful mindset rather one focused on lack
  • ask four important questions of ourselves - Why do I not yet have something that I want personally or professionally? Why do I want it? What must I do to get it? How will I feel when I have it?
  • accepting that stress is a buzzword for fear and worry is a misuse of our powerful imagination
Jacqueline challenged us to dream big, think positively and establish clarity about our goals.

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