Thursday, August 13, 2009

Leadership Challenge

One of my friends who is pursuing a master's degree asked for my answers to two questions:

1. What prevents leaders from doing the right things?

2. What can be done to improve the system?

My response to her follows:

I believe there are a number of factors which prevent leaders from doing the right things including lack of skill, integrity issues, competing priorities, focusing on efficiency at the expense of effectiveness, underdeveloped communications skills, making decisions in a silo, taking a short-term perspective, fear of change, not exercising the golden rule, acting without sufficient information and getting caught in the business of doing without taking time to plan.

Improvements can occur when:

An assessment of skill for the new position is accurately evaluated. Organizations have a tendency to promote the best sales or technical person without acknowledging that the subject matter expertise is only one component of managing a group.

High integrity is a non-negotiable factor in choosing leaders at all levels.

Important v. urgent matters are balanced by developing a clear mission statement.

There is a focus on outcomes rather than mere deliverables.

Excellent written, verbal and listening skills are developed.

An environment is present that values collaboration.

Specific plans are developed which include timelines, pros and cons, and training to minimize the fear of change.

Continual improvement is embraced.

Others are treated as you’d like to be treated.

Planning is expected.

Very bright people are hired from whom you can learn.

Let's all rise to the leadership challenge!

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